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Organic Materials

Organic materials are products containing carbon and hydrogen atoms, often in combination with other elements. Reade organic materials are generally derived from living organisms and have unique properties that make them valuable in various applications. They can be tailored for specific properties, such as mechanical strength, flexibility, and conductivity. In many instances, they have the advantage of being renewable, biodegradable, and non-toxic, making them a more sustainable choice than traditional materials.

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Activated Carbon / Carbon Powder
Activated Carbon / Carbon Powder

Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, is highly porous, contributing to its very large surface area. Its surface is also very reactive. It is a very useful adsorbent used in many filter systems to purify, dechlorinate, deodorize, and decolorize both liquid and vapor applications. Activated carbon is usually derived from waste products such as coconut or wood, where bulk sources are converted into charcoal before being 'activated.' Activated carbon from coal is referred to as activated coal. Activated carbons are economical adsorbents for many industries and purposes. Different types of activated carbon are suited for various specialized applications, with grade and size-specific applications.

Almond Shell Powder and Granules
Almond Shell Powder and Granules
Almond Shell Powder and Granules are natural organic materials that are odorless. They qualify as organic, vegan, and halal and are fully biodegradable.
Amorphous Carbons (C)
Amorphous Carbons (C)
Amorphous carbons include Carbon Black, Furnace Black, and Channel Black. They are black pigments produced by the thermal decomposition of natural hydrocarbons. These are free and reactive carbons with no crystalline structure. Reade offers furnace black. Nominal purity= 98.5 to 99.6% Available in bead, ground, and powder form with particle sizes ranging from 16 to 280 nanometers.
Anthracite Filtration Media
Anthracite Filtration Media
This anthracite is thoroughly selected from anthracite, which yields the highest percentage of carbon. It is then hydraulically classified to reduce mineral matter and ash to a minimum and finally screened and washed to ensure suitability for filtration purposes. Anthracite properties deflect water absorption, which facilitates nano-filtration. Its irregular shape allows a free water flow, with a higher flow and less pressure drop than sand alone. It is perfect for use in water filtration systems. It is often used with sand as one of the most efficient ways to restore water for drinking or use.
Argan Shell
Argan Shell
Argan shells are the shells of the seed inside the argan fruit. It is an odorless natural organic material, and the powder qualifies as vegan and halal. The trees, Argania spinosa, bearing the fruit, are found almost exclusively in Southern Morocco, and the fruit is considered a precious raw material due to its limited yearly yield. Physical state: Solid (powder or granules) Color: reddish/brown Odor: Slight to neutral pH: Neutral Flashpoint: > 100ºC Solubility in water: Limited solubility, water-repellent surface Incompatibility with other products: None Hazardous decomposition or by-products: Will not occur
Avocado Stone
Avocado Stone

Avocado stone is a natural organic material with most of the nutrients contained in its large, heavy stone. It is richer in amino acids, vitamins, and soluble fibers than any other fruit or vegetable. Avocado stone has a high antioxidant content making it attractive for many herbal remedies and anti-aging formulations. The powder has a somewhat nutty flavor. Due to its relatively high oil content, it should be eaten and processed in a fresh state.

Bone Char
Bone Char

Bone Char is a granular material produced by charring bovine bones: the bones are heated to high temperatures (in the range of 400 to 500 °C), and a unique form of activated carbon is created. Bone char consists mainly of calcium phosphate (Ca₃(PO₄)₂), Calcium Carbonate (CaCO₃), and a small amount of carbon (~12%); however, the quality of the bone chars is controlled by the amount of oxygen present in the charring atmosphere. Bone chars usually have a lower surface area than activated carbons but present high adsorptive capacities for copper, zinc, and cadmium. The carbonized material possesses great mechanical strength and improved adsorption of many chemicals, e.g., Fluorine, Chlorine, Lead, and many more.

Buckypaper is a macroscopic aggregate of thin sheets of aggregated carbon nanotubes. It is one-tenth the weight of steel, but up to 500 times stronger, with the ability to conduct electricity and disperse heat. Buckypaper has low optical reflectivity and thermal conductivity.
Carbon (C)
Carbon (C)
Carbon is a pure non-metallic element found only in the forms of diamonds and graphite. Graphite is widely used for many applications because of its unique combination of properties. It is slippery to the touch, a good conductor of electricity and heat, is chemically inert, and can withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments. 99% to 99.99% (metals basis)
Carbon Nanotubes
Carbon Nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are tubes made of carbon atoms with nanometer diameters. Reade supplies a variety of carbon nanotubes. While many specific properties of CNTs are type dependent, in general, carbon nanotubes have high electrical conductivity. They have good thermal conductivity along the tube axis that is comparable to diamonds while exhibiting elastic, flexible, stiff, tough, and strong fibers while maintaining the chemistry of carbon molecules and being free of molecular defects. This carbon chemistry allows strong Van der Waals attraction which leads to spontaneous self-assembly and roping of many nanotubes, which may be important in certain applications. Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) are an intermediary allotrope of carbon between fullerene cages and flat graphene. Double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWNT) are similar to SWNT but are more resistant to chemical attacks. Multi-wall carbon nanotubes consist of multiple rolled layers of graphene. Dry powder form and dispersions available.
Corn Cob Abrasive and Grit
Corn Cob Abrasive and Grit
Corn Cob Grit is an environmentally friendly free-flowing abrasive made from the hard cob. It is used primarily as a vibratory and tumbling media to absorb oils and dirt and to dry parts without affecting the surface of the parts. It is a safe and economical blasting media that can be used on delicate parts. Corn Cob grit is non-toxic, dust-free, long-lasting, reusable, and preserves micro finishes. Typical Physical Properties Hardness: MOH 4.5 Appearance: Granular angular particles Specific Gravity: 1.0 – 1.2 gm/cc
Diamond Dust (C)
Diamond Dust (C)
Diamond Dust is composed of pure carbon. Diamond powder is a super-abrasive and is offered in two categories: synthetically grown and naturally grown. Naturally mined diamond purity is 99+%. Synthetic diamond purity is 99%.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous earth, also known as Diatomaceous silica (SiOâ‚‚*nHâ‚‚O), is the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms that have accumulated, creating silica deposits. DE has high absorption, low bulk density, and high brightness. There are two primary types of diatomaceous earth deposits - saltwater and freshwater. Saltwater DE is commercially processed in the United States and primarily used as a filter aid. Freshwater DE is ideal for agricultural uses because it typically has a low crystalline silica content (amorphous), is highly absorptive, and is an ancient pest control agent. As awareness of and concern about chemical pesticides grow, diatomaceous earth has increased interest as a non-toxic and natural alternative. It is also seen as a natural anti-parasitic by farmers and ranchers.

Graphene Nanoplatelets
Graphene Nanoplatelets
Graphene Nanoplatelets are nanoparticles made from graphite that can substitute carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes, nano-clays, or other compounds in many composite applications. These nanoparticles consist of small stacks of graphene (3-10 nanometers) that are safer than carbon nano-fibers and nano-tubes and improve reliability, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity while reducing porosity when added to plastics or resins. Graphene Nanoplatelets help products built on them exhibit improved tribology, mechanical, biomedical, gas barrier, flame retardant, and heat convection properties. They can be used with other additives to enhance cost and material efficiency.
Graphene Oxide (GO)
Graphene Oxide (GO)
Graphene oxide, also known as graphite oxide, is a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen in variable ratios that is obtained by treating graphite with strong oxidizers. Graphene oxide has many unique properties, including a two-dimensional planar structure, large surface area, chemical and mechanical stability, superb conductivity, and good biocompatibility. It is an insulator and can almost be considered a semiconductor. Purity: 97% - 99% Graphene Oxide Safety Notice: Before using, the user shall determine the product's suitability for its intended use, and the user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in addition to that.
Hemp Fiber
Hemp Fiber
Hemp Fiber (Bast Fiber) is a high-yield commercial fiber crop that grows from seed. Hemp stalks are harvested for their fibers and grow on the outside of the plant’s stalk, similar to the bark of a tree. Hemp fibers are advantageous as they are flexible, have low density and abrasiveness, and have mechanical properties comparable to glass fiber. There is also quantitative and qualitative homogeneity from one harvest to the next. Degummed Hemp Fiber is processed to remove lignin and pectin, so separated fibers are finer, softer, and more absorbent. Size ranges from ½ inch to 5 inches. Hemp Hurd is derived from the core of the hemp stalks and is also referred to as hemp shives. It looks similar to wood chips. It is porous and absorbent and naturally resistant to mold and bacteria. Raw Long Hemp Fiber is right from the stalk, non-processed, and uncombed with slight separation of fibers. Fibers range from 24 to 72 inches. Combed Hemp Fiber, also known as plumber's hemp, is untwisted and combed. Fiber length ranges from 4-5 inches long.
Natural & Synthetic Graphite Powder
Natural & Synthetic Graphite Powder
Graphite is a soft dark grey solid of crystallized carbon. Graphite is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and due to the atomic arrangement into easily cleaved layers, graphite is used as a solid lubricant. It is odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and chemically inert to acids and alkalis under most conditions. Many different standard granulations are available between 5 mesh USS and 0.7 microns
Olive Pit Powders & Flour
Olive Pit Powders & Flour
Olive Pits, or stones, are natural materials that are sustainably sourced. They qualify as organic, vegan, halal, and kosher and are fully biodegradable. They have high particle stability, contain no allergens, and have a relatively homogeneous particle shape. They are a rich source of carbohydrates and easily digestible fibers.
Pecan Shell
Pecan Shell
Crushed pecan shells make up a large percentage of the nut and serve as a very useful natural organic material for many applications. Pecan Shell is available in various sizes, from coarse to medium to fine. Pecan Shell Flour RS is an antioxidant fiber source ground to 325 mesh and optimized for maximum antioxidant content.
Rice Hull
Rice Hull
Rice Hulls are a recycled resource. They are the hard protective coverings of grains of rice. In addition to protecting rice during the growing season, rice hulls can be used as a building material, fertilizer, insulation material, or fuel. Rice hulls are part of the chaff of the rice. Rice hulls are buff-colored to a light brown meal consisting primarily of the outer covering of the rice. It contains no oils.
Single Crystal Diamonds
Single Crystal Diamonds
Single crystal diamond is a manufactured product for industrial applications and produced by a high pressure/high temperature (HPHT) synthesis process and tightly controlled crystal growth conditions. Repeatable physical characteristics and dimensional consistency are the notable features of a synthetic single-crystal diamond. Diamond excels in its electronic properties and has high thermal conductivity and chemical stability.

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